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Discover Homeopathy

Homeopathy is...

  • An effective, scientific and complete system of medicine
  • The second most popular medical system globally
  • Natural and non-toxic, with no side-effects
  • Treats physical, mental and emotional illnesses
  • Treats minor ailments, as well as chronic conditions
  • Safe to use alongside conventional medications

Your body is created from scratch, and throughout your life, it undergoes constant renewal and healing. Your cells renew themselves at different rates, while your immune system safeguards you against invading pathogens. Lifestyle, toxic environment and stress gradually weaken our defense system even to a point where it starts attacking itself (auto-immune diseases). Individualized homeopathy treatment has the hability to re-ignite our natural self-healing mechanism so balance and wellbeing are achieved.

In contrast to conventional medicine, which often focuses on treating the symptoms of a disease, homeopathy aims to treat the root cause of the problem. For example, if a person has chronic headaches, a conventional medicine approach might involve painkillers to alleviate the pain. However, a homeopath might ask questions to determine what is causing the headaches in the first place and then select a remedy that addresses that underlying cause. By treating the root cause of a disease, the body’s natural healing mechanisms can be activated, leading to long-lasting and sustainable healing.

Homeopathy recognizes that each individual is unique, and that people can experience the same symptoms for different reasons. By matching your symptoms with the symptoms caused by large doses of a specific substance in a healthy person – “like cures like” principle – the homeopath finds the one remedy that matches you. The homeopathic ultra-molecular dose of that substance stimulates your system into a self-healing reaction.

Scientists in highly respected universities, research institutions and hospitals around the world are carrying out research into homeopathy using the same research techniques as those used to investigate conventional medical treatments.

Below are examples of high quality studies testing various types of homeopathy:

A Prospective Case Study on Bronchial Asthma in Children & its Homeopathic Management. Study of 60 cases proved homeopathic medicine can help in preventing the repeated exacerbations of bronchial asthma and in improving the quality of life in children.

Homeopathic Treatment of Vitiligo: A Report of Fourteen Cases.In this report, all cases presented some improvement although the best results were achieved in the patients who were treated in the early stages of their disease.

Individualised homeopathic treatment for diarrhoea in children.
A meta-analysis of three placebo-controlled randomised trials by Jacobs et al. 2003 showed that homeopathic treatment reduced the duration of diarrhea (p=0.008).1

Individualised homeopathic treatment for ear infections (otitis media) in children 2,3

The homeopathic medicine Galphimia glauca for hay fever (allergic rhinitis)4

The isopathic medicine Pollen 30c for hay fever5

The complex homeopathic medicine Vertigoheel for vertigo.6