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About me

If anybody had suggested 20 years ago that I would become a homeopath I would have been mystified and astonished! I graduated in International Business and completed a Master degree in International Projects Management at La Sorbonne University in Paris. Whilst juggling very busy life, I developed a strong gut feeling that there must be something “more”. Many years of practicing Yoga and becoming a Yoga instructor, was only the start of my life change.

My first contact with Homeopathy actually happened in my late teens. I suffered from chronic rhinitis and was prescribed many western medications, that proved no effect in the long run. I eventually became tired of living the countless side effects and still not able to function well in day to day life that I finally looked for an alternative. Not having much faith in the little sugar pellets, the rapid cure I experienced with homeopathy totally amazed me. Like most people, I tried to dismiss what I couldn’t understand. But a repeat experience several years later forced me to take a closer look at this obscure medical art and science.

In 2021, after completing a cert-3 in Health, I finally enrolled with the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) in Greece – widely considered the best and most thorough classical school in the world. Taught by George Vithoulkas, the pre-eminent Homeopathic educator of our time, this two-year program gave me a deep grounding in the science of homeopathy and its potential. It also arose an enormous passion within me which I see growing more and more each day.

I can say I feel extremely grateful and take great joy in my homeopathic practice. It allows me to become both an instrument in, and a witness to, a healing process which can deeply change people’s life.

After graduating in 2023, I’ve enrolled in the Continuing Education Sessions Program with the IACH. I’m also a registered homeopath with both the Australian Registrar of Homeopathy and the Australian Homeopathic Association.